
Re: The futility of war – Middle East Monitor

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More people were killed by motorists in Northern Ireland during the Troubles than by all the military and paramilitary forces concerned.
The other two cases are rather different. The Falkland Islands were invaded and occupied by a bunch of murderous fascists. Ukraine has been invaded by a Russian nationalist revanchist with fantasies of restoring a Greater Rus. Look at the Russian Empire under Nicholas II – the Baltic states, Finland and much of Poland part of it – and you’ll see what Putin dreams of. It was impossible to negotiate with Galtieri and his junta. Either a task force had to be sent or allowing British citizens to be ruled by a bunch of sadists with a habit of throwing people they disliked out of aeroplanes after they’d been tortured to death.
The same is true of Putin’s Russia. His propagandists talk of drowning Ukrainian children. Putin himself has offered to negotiate with Ukraine, as long as Ukraine accepts complete Russian control. What alternative do the Ukrainians have? NATO are supporting Ukraine because if they don’t Putin will probably try to take over another part of “natural” Russia territory in a few years and NATO will have to fight again, but directly involved and on worse terms. When Russian forces have withdrawn from Ukrainian territory (and they might as well withdraw from Moldavan and Georgian territory invaded and occupied by Russia as well) then negotiations can start.

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