
Could You Be A Racist? Take This Simple Test To Find Out


With all the talk recently about who is or who isn’t a racist, here is a simple test you can take to answer the question, “Am I a racist?”

If you’ve ever uttered any of the following “I’m-not-a-bigot” disclaimers, chances are you may be a racist:

  1. “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”
  2. “I have a great relationship with the blacks.”
  3. “I’m the least racist person anybody is going to meet.”
  4. The Hispanics love me.”
  5. “I’ve never used racist remarks.”

Now, if you’ve used all of the above phrases, as has Donald Trump, then you are an unequivocal, indisputable, undeniable, flat-out, card-carrying racist.

Photo | Tim Savage/


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