David Keeling is senior partner at McKinsey & Company’s Chicago office. As group leader, global pharma quality and operations, Keeling leads a team of 300 expert consultants and has the inside track on the global pharmaceutical industry. His India team works closely with top domestic drug makers to help them address manufacturing-compliance issues.
Vikas Dandekar, editor, pharmaceutical and healthcare, economictimes.com, spoke to Keeling to understand the challenges before the Indian pharmaceutical sector and global factors that will affect India.
Edited excerpts:
What can Indian drug companies do to get to the next level of growth?
They will have to ensure that they are bringing quality products to the market, and their advantage on cost will [also] have to be maintained. Make no mistake, non-Indian generic drug companies are continually improving their cost positions.
Will consolidation within the Indian pharma sector help improve the industry’s financials?
Distressed assets are obviously candidates [for consolidation]. But I guess the question should be, do [companies] have to do [M&As] to be competitive? I think the scale that they are at will enable them to be successful. Can increased scale lead to benefits? Yes, there may be benefits, but the reason for some others to do big M&As has been optimisation of scale.
Should Indian drug companies make more investments in proprietary/specialty products or in buying late-stage experimental drugs?
I think there are opportunities for Indian companies to be more innovative. They are right in pursuing that opportunity. Indian companies have used science to be fast to market. The science is so good that they can be very successful even from this position.
Quality has been a significant challenge for the Indian drug makers over the last few years. Do you think that may improve soon?
I have said controversially that I don’t think that Indian drug companies have been disproportionately targeted.
For the USFDA, a standard across the world has to be enforced. I have been doing quality work for the last 15 years when I got involved in some of the major consent decrees in the US, and from my vantage, the USFDA has always identified [firms] that have quality problems and given them warnings and asked them to take actions.
The US and Europe have seen all of this. Even for global companies, some plants are truly outstanding, but there are others within the same network that are less good at being lean and less good in terms of quality.
The industry seems to be moving towards heavy automation and electronic data records. Is that a solution?
I think that is one of the solutions. The big thing that will happen in this industry is digitisation and the availability of data to analyse issues and predict challenges. Globally, automation and digitisation are responsible for 50% of quality improvements. Advanced analytics will change this industry considerably.
Could you explain that please?
Say if a product has a barcode or RFID when it moves within the facility, it automatically records where the product is, and so [a high] level of human intervention is not required. At places where humans do intervene, digital can constrain them from the errors they can make. Not just the Indian drug industry, every country is working on addressing data issues.