Tamil Nadu native Murugan was seriously injured in an accident in Kollam and was taken to several hospitals which allegedly refused treatment citing reasons such as absence of specialist doctors and lack of ventilators.
The medical board, which has submitted the report to the health department, has said that when Murugan was brought to the medical college hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, he was in a critical condition similar to the state of brain death and there was no scope for rescuing him. In addition, the medical board also found that there was no neurosurgeon at the hospital when Murugan was brought to casualty.
The medical board, headed by Dr P K Balakrishnan, a neurosurgeon at the Kottayam Medical College Hospital, has also found that there were no free ventilators at the hospital when he was brought in.
The only fault the medical board has found with the doctors is that they failed to enter the details of the patient and issue an OP card for admitting the patient.
The government is supposed to submit the report before the high court.
All the findings of the medical board contradict the findings made by an expert committee, headed by director of health services Dr R L Saritha, which was appointed by the government soon after the Murugan’s death. The committee had mentioned that the doctors of the medical college hospital had failed to provide ventilator though it was available.
The police team, probing the case, had also pointed out in their preliminary report that three private hospitals in Kollam and the Thiruvananthapuram medical college hospital denied treatment to Murugan.
Murugan was riding pillion on a bike with his friend when a car knocked them down. He was taken from one hospital to another, but allegedly did not receive any treatment and finally died in an ambulance after seven hours.