Highlights of the 27th Annual Conference (March14-18, 2018)
The main highlight of 27th Annual Asian Pacific Association are to discuss about the common liver diseases in Asia as well as in India with regards to their pathogenesis, their early diagnostic techniques and new treatment modalities which are more effective, with less side effects and are also inexpensive and more cost effective. We have identified hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Hepatocellular cancer liver disease due to alcohol consumption and also liver diseases associated with systemic conditions like obesity and diabetes. We will be discussing the modes of treatment, cure and also highlighting how to prevent the occurrence of these kinds of conditions.
The features of our conference were to have separate course on liver transplantation for patients with liver diseases in Asia as well as India to highlight basic research and methodology in patients with liver disease. Then we had a course for training and education for young scientists and young doctors discussing about etiopatogenesis, clinical features, more though diagnosis and treatment of common liver disease. In the next 3 days we concentrated on recent development and advancements in treatment of patients with liver disease application of newer endoscopy techniques, newer nutrition techniques and newer drugs for treating patients with liver diseases and discussing liver diseases spectrum in Asia.
We also invited various experts from America, Europe and WHO to discuss about and compare Asian modes of treatment of liver diseases with European methods and American methods so that we can improve on our techniques of diagnosis and treatment by knowing what they do in their parts of world. Also we have highlighted newer techniques for liver transplantation, newer methodology and newer treatment for liver transplantation so that the operation becomes simple, well tolerated, cost effective and affordable for ordinary patients with liver disease.
How are you encouraging the young doctors?
Important objective of our conference was to have an active participation of young doctors, young scientists and young researchers in the field of liver diseases.
We did complementary registration for young scientists, fellows, students and trainees in liver courses. We have also offered 200 international and national awards which provide financial support to young scientists.