In the past few years, Akshay Kumar has been choosing films with a social message. So it comes as no surprise that the actor is being associated with several causes too. One amongst them is road safety. In fact, recent reports have it that Akshay Kumar has joined hands with the government to spread awareness on it.
Akshay Kumar, we hear, has taken a major step towards ensuring road safety of citizens. The actor, reportedly, has given a nod to the forthcoming campaigns related to road safety. Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari revealed that he has indeed requested Kumar to come on board as the brand ambassador for the cause. Furthermore, he also asserted that Akshay has extended his full co-operation with them for it.
Gadkari also spoke about how they have been striving to minimalize road accidents. He went on to add about the need for celebrities to come on board for such causes. According to him, celebs becoming a part of such campaigns often leave a positive impact on the new generation.
On the other hand, Akshay Kumar has by far maintained silence on the matter. The actor is currently in the midst of creating awareness about menstrual hygiene. Interestingly, this is also a part of the promotions of his forthcoming film Pad Man. Based on the real life story of Arunachalam Muruganathan, the film traces the journey of a man who decides to create cheaper alternatives of sanitary pads to improve the sanitation facilities in rural areas.
Pad Man, also starring Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte in lead roles, is slated to release on February 9.