
4 commandments for woman startup founders

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It’s time we looked at startups through a lens that doesn’t read single as a death warrant.
It’s time we looked at startups through a lens that doesn’t read single as a death warrant.

By Vishakha Singh, Red Polka

I like elephants. A she elephant always leads the herd, no questions asked. But in the world of startups, where sometimes founders are bigger than the idea, the first question that gets asked is: Who are the founders? Fair enough. But what if there is just one founder and that too a woman? A single woman founder is a discussion that dies before it begins. Many a time.

There are two sides to the story — one glorifies the startup world as a virtuous one full of people with funding pockets, who often believe that the moment of truth is at hand.

Somewhere in between is the customer for whom the idea is generated. The glorification of startups also includes the envisioning of co-founders: it attributes many advantages to multi founder startups and single-founder startups, but a woman founder is a topic nobody wants to indulge in.

It’s time we looked at startups through a lens that doesn’t read single as a death warrant. Instead, it should be like this: “S” stands for strong. “I” for idea. “N” for the need for the product. “G” for goal and how you would achieve that. “L” for love for the product. And “E” for are you open to evolve?

I have a simple message for all single founders and especially women founders. A founder is a leader: to whip solutions, build teams, weave culture and hack growth. A leader to demonstrate the power of her idea. But you will need money to grow and people to build the dream product. What you, therefore, require are some basic thoughts to keep you on the track:

1) Run-over-by-truck policy: No investor ever explicitly asks: What is the run-over-by-truck policy? What happens to the startup if you face a sudden death? But it is their job to guess. The easiest assumption for anyone putting money is that if a founder is run over by a truck, the co-founder will take over. But what if the co-founder is also run over? Some also feel that different types of the truck may hit women: the truck of childbearing and -rearing, the truck of marriage, etc. It is a practical decision to find someone who will take over in case of such an incident. So next time an investor shuts the door on you, put the contingency plan, of what if you are run over by a truck, through the door.

2) Courage is not the absence of fear: A quote that goes well with me. I allow fear to exist inside me to be courageous. Out of this fear, I pleaded my husband to join me for an investor meeting. Why? Because they wanted a male co-founder.

That day, I didn’t feel courageous. I felt simply stupid. Make sure you are being courageous with a lump of fear in your throat, but not stupid. Fear of failure is a big fear. But fear of failing because you are a single founder is not a real fear. Assess before making your move.

Investors are not domain experts, not many of them. A quick evaluation framework includes mentions of similar success stories in the West. Stitchfix is a single woman founder success story. It did start with two women as mentioned in some notes, but now at the time of listing, one is missing.

3) Always plan and simplify: There are only 24 hours in a day. The workload of a woman founder is always more than that of a male founder. She is designed by nature to be a caregiver. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg chose grey T-shirts to simplify some decision-making. One fine day, I just froze at the driving wheel. I couldn’t drive and I accepted that it was a small thing to give up. You can’t make all decisions. Plan, delegate, decide and plan.

4) Single, not stupid: Always be open to have another partner — the war is not about the co-founder, the war is always about winning. If a co-founder, even after years of starting up, comes along, do embrace.

A single founder is a decision that is yours, that is mine. The journey may begin single but need not remain single. If you find a partner to complement abilities, co-founder is a possibility that one shouldn’t close. Ultimately, the win lies in the success. But a co-founder just to please an investor is something avoidable.

I have been on that road too and realised the goals didn’t match. If you have the idea and the purpose but no cofounder, still begin the journey. I have seen cofounders leaving businesses even before the launch or right after the launch, and I have also seen co-founders joining in years after the launch.

What you don’t need is the stigma of being a single founder. Stigma is not created by startups, it is created by people who assume the runover-by-truck policy. You will be told repeatedly about being single. Say S for strong, S for steel but not S for single.

(The writer is founder of Red Polka, a startup that curates home boutique fashion designers, many of whom are women)

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